Pune Shines at MusiQuest Piano Festival 2017

Pune November 2017: The sixth iteration of the national piano festival / competition MusiQuest concluded in Pune on November 18 and 19th, 2017. Presented in an informal and friendly workshop/ masterclass format with unrestricted repertoire choice,participants had a unique opportunity not only for public performance but to extend their musical learning experience by receiving instruction at the piano as well as written adjudications and participation certificates from an international panel of adjudicators.  The emphasis was on encouragement and positive feedback.
 All ages and musical levels performed within 4 main divisions : Preliminary (Beginner to Grade 2), Junior (Grades 3 to 5), Intermediate (Grades 6 to 8), Advanced (Diplomas).  The age range of participants was 4 to 64!
The international adjudication panel included internationally renowned teachers/pedagogues from the USA
  • Mark Neiwirth (Advanced)
  • Phyllis Alpert Lehrer (Intermediate)
  • Timothy Brown (Junior)
  • Pierce Emata (Preliminary)
  • Katherine & Jeffrey Savage (Ensemble)
  • Andrew Linn (Popular Music & Jazz & Composer in Residence)
  • Fred Karpoff (Technique Expert in Residence)
 Additionally, the adjudicators gave private lessons and piano masterclasses during the festival.  Each of the adjudicators also presented workshops for participants and for the professional development of the participating teachers.
Post adjudications the adjudicators performed in a spell binding concert on November 18, 2017 and the prize winners’ announcement followed.  There was an aura of expectancy and suspense … followed by celebration and accomplishment!!  A majority of the prize winners were from Pune!!
The top grand prize being first prize in the Intermediate division (a ND21 piano and a scholarship to the International Institute of Young Musicians) went to 11 year old Trisham Bepari.
The 2nd prize in the Intermediate division went to 11 year old Candice Rocha.  She was also awarded a very special prize instituted from this edition of the festival THE MARY TICKNER PRIZE for the most musical performance at the Honors Concert.  This decision was a unanimous vote of all the adjudication panel.
The first prize in the Preliminary Division was awarded to 7 year old Srihita Gottipati.
The first prize in the Preliminary Mature Division was awarded to 11 year old Kaavya Singh.
A majority of the prizes were won by the students of the Academy of Music, Pune.  A press conference of all the prize winners can be arranged.
The festival culminated on November 19, 2017 with an Honours recital presenting the winners in performance and the awards ceremony
This is a unique festival fostering musical performance, learning and interaction among budding young talent across the country. MusiQuest 2017 is the sixth edition of this popularfestival.  The 2017 festival drew a response of 125 participants and 21 teachers from across the length and breadth of India.
Each of the divisions (Preliminary, Junior, Intermediate and Advanced) were awarded three attractive prizes packages including Cash, music Books etc.  Several international music publishers have supported the event with book prizes.  Additionally prizes were awarded for the original composition, Jazz/Popular categories as well as for ensemble (piano duets, two piano and concertos).
MusiQuest is a private non-profit festival and operates solely on the receipt of entry fees and program advertising and is further supported by The Academy of Music in Pune and the Framroz Foundation.


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