Gary Kirsten Cricket India opens up registration for training in India

Names to be registered on March 23 and 24 for the summer camp and annual training
·         Gary Kirsten Cricket India to set up a training center at Divisional Sports Complex, Shashtrinagar, Yerawada
·         Training to begin from April 4
·         For pre registrations contact:- WhatsApp on 9112295566 or

Gary Kirsten Cricket India has been established with the aim to provide cricket training of the international standard in Pune. Renowned South African cricketer Gary Kirsten has been the coach of the Indian team too. During the World Cup 2011, he immensely contributed to the victory of the Indian cricket team.  After serving as a trainer at the international level Gary Kirsten has now decided to focus on the field of coaching youngsters.

Registrations for the summer camp and the annual coaching by Gary Kirsten Cricket India will be held on March 23 and 24. Actual training will commence on April 4, 2019. Names of trainees will be registered for summer camp, annual coaching, Saturday
Sunday coaching, personal coaching, and team coaching. Girls and boys of age about four years will be eligible for training in these camps. Training camps of the Gary Kirsten Cricket India will be conducted at the Divisional Sports Complex at Shastri Nagar, Yerawada, Pune.

Details of the coaching camps were shared by Mr. Anand Mittal, CEO of Gary Kirsten Cricket India, and Mr.Ryan Van Niekerk, the chief coach. Mr Upendra Kulkarni and Mahesh Hatkar will also impart training during these camps.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Anand Mital said, "There are many talented cricket players in Pune and around. Many of them have displayed their talent and earned recognition at the national as well as international level. Gary Kirsten Cricket India proposes to train and create cricket players of a similar caliber."  
"The venue for the coaching camps is equipped to train 1000 cricket players at the same time," he added.

Mr.Ryan Van Niekerk said, "We have several established and internationally accepted training schedules along with best trainers. We are here to provide Indian cricketers with the best of the coaching. At the same time, we will also invest in equipping our coaches with skills and knowledge about cricket from all over the world. We will ensure the provision of personal guidance for each and every trainee in order to boost their potential."

Training Schedule:
* Personal guidance from Mr.Ryan Van Neikerk: To be conducted from Monday to Friday, these sessions will comprise of three hour-long batches from 4 to 7 pm.
* Summer Camp: To be conducted from 7 to 10 am and 4 to 7 pm from Monday to Friday, this camp will include four 1.5-hour long batches. Every session can have 150 players and the first summer camp will be held in April 2019 while the second one will be conducted in May 2019.
* Saturday-Sunday (Weekend) training: This six-month long training session will be conducted on Saturdays and Sundays from 7 to 10 am and 4 to 7 pm. There will be two batches for a tow hour-long session.
* Annual training and Half-yearly (six months) training: These sessions will be conducted from Monday to Friday in 1.5 hour-long batches to be held between 4 and 8.30 pm. Every session will have three batches of trainees each. 


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