
Showing posts from February, 2019

ISRO to Organize Space Exhibition on February 15, 16 and 17, 2019

Giant Leap – Taking Space Technology To Schools Suresh Naik Space Education Center’s Multi - pronged Initiative. Suresh Naik, Ex-Group Director ISRO, a well known senior space scientist from Pune, along with Mr.Suhas Punekar, Managing Director ‘Punekar Educational Initiaves’ is leading a movement, aiming to give a huge thrust to Space technology education, a fascinating subject which is fast catching the imagination of the students across the country. As part of this initiative, a highly popular and educative space exhibition by the world-renowned premier organisation of the country, ISRO is being organised in Pune on February 15, 16 and 17, 2019 details about which are given in the adjoining block. Co organiser for it is the prestigious College Of Engineering Pune (COEP) whose students, to their credit, have the distinction of making the student-satellite ‘Swayam’ which was launched by ISRO. ISRO’s Exhibition. Highlights of ISRO Space Exhibition include a set of pos...